Surya Namaskar or the salutation to the Sun God has long been accepted by Indian culture to provide a deep aligning of the mind, body and spirit. these asanas passed down from ascetics and refined by yoga Gurus has been practised for centuries early in the morning as a form of salutation to the Sun God Surya.
The modern day or current popularity of Surya Namaskar can be directly attributed to Sr sri Ravi Shankar and his Art of Living good living cell - as the popularity and following of Pranayama by millions can be attributed directly to Baba Ramdev.
How to Do Surya Namaskar

The Surya Namaskar yoga consists of 12 asanas in an inviolable sequence
# 1. Stand with your palms together (Namaskar pose) and your feet together in Pranamasan
# 2 Ardha Chandrasan- Lift the arms up and back in a slow fluid movement so as to stretch the entire body. Keep the arms close to the head and push the pelvis slightly forward to stretch better.
# 3 Bend forward from your waist to touch the mat
# 4 With both palms on the mat, move your right leg backward with knee on the floor. Left foot should be between the palms and head tilted looking up
# 5 Take the left leg back, keep the arms straight, feet on the ground in an inclined plank
# 6 Parvatasana - Raise the hips up while looking down. Palms and feet are on the ground. The position as the name suggests is like a mountain or an inverted "V"
# 7 Lower the knees, chest, chin to the floor. Raise the hips slightly.
# 8 Bhujangasana - Raise your chest and look up like a cobra. Back should be in an arc.
# 9 Repeat Parvatasana - Raise the hips up while looking down. Palms and feet are on the ground.
# 10 Go to position # 4 with the alternate set of feet - right foot at the front and the left leg stretched back.
# 11 Position # 3, ie bending forward from the waist while touching the ground
# 12 Same as position # 2 - Ardha Chandrasan - arms raised up and the body stretched outward.
End with the Namaskar which is the start of the second leg of one cycle in which you move the right leg forward first in Step # 4
Check out the illustration of Surya Namaskar .
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